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Student Work

Below are samples of student work from select unit plans


Gates-Chili CSD

Gates- Chili CSD | 5th Grade Fashion Design
​Artwork depicted in this album represents a selection of work created by 5th grade students in the Gates-Chili Central School District. Students learned about fashion design and world cultures, ultimately creating original designs which were worn for a school-wide fashion show.


Nazareth Elementary

Nazareth Elementary | Pre K- 6th Grade
​Artwork depicted in this album represent a selection of work created by my students at Nazareth elementary. Artwork comes from many different unit plans and spans from Pre K through 6th Grade. Descritpions of each project are located within the photo album. Check it out!

Student Teaching:  Elementary

Monster Metaphors | 5th Grade
​Big Idea: Fear and Phobia
Essential Questions: What does fear look like? How is fear portrayed in visual culture?
Art History References: Francisco Goya, Hieronymus Bosch, James DeRosso, Bobby Chiu, Michael Lucero
Final Product: Clay monster sculptures that visually represent a fear or phobia of the student's choice

Student Teaching  High School

Poster Design | 11th Grade Graphics
​Big Idea: Visual Communication
Essential Questions: How do images communicate information? Why does an image grab a viewer's attention?
Art History References: Images of Mary poppins through the ages, history of poster design
Final Product: Promotional posters for the school's production of Mary Poppins


Youth Mural Project

Live Mural | "Art Is..." Collaboration
​Big Idea: Art Is...
Essential Questions: How can we collaborate to visually communicate what art means to us?
Art History References: Students collaborated with local artist, Nate Hodge
Final Product: Two Murals painted by four of my students from School of the Arts. These murals were completed over the course of two days at the 2015 NYSATA Conference

Rochester Youth Outreach:

Group Mural

Group Mural | "Peace In Our Space"
​Big Idea: Peace
Essential Questions: How can we collaborate to visually communicate our youth group values? How can we show the value of peace?
Art History References: Wall Therapy, Banksy
Final Product: Students collaborated to create a mural covering every wall of the community space in which we met twice a week for music and art lessons and community youth events


Goldberg Gadgets | 4th Grade Unit
​Big Idea: Invention, Innovation
Essential Questions: How can inventions help us? How can we use our imaginations to solve problems?
Art History References: Rube Goldberg's illustrations, Rowland Emett
Final Product: Prototypes of student inventions in the form of found object sculptures

Nazareth College Saturday Art School:  

High School

Transforming Stereotypes| 8th-12th Grade 
​Big Idea: Stereotypes
Essential Questions: How can we transform a stereotype placed on us by others?
Art History References: De'VIA art, David Call, Barbara Kruger
Final Product: Reduction linoleum prints that positively transform a stereotype of the students' choice

Nazareth College Saturday Art School:

Pre - K

Going Places| Pre - K
​Big Idea: Place
Essential Questions: How can we use our imaginations to go places?
Art History References: Dan Flavin, Maxfield Parish, Jim Denevan
Final Product: Wet- into- wet watercolor, Neon "space" sculpture, Nature collograph print, Tissue paper collage, Crayon encaustic monoprint
To see more or discuss my teaching experiences further, let's talk >>
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